Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Home Sweet Home, Okinawa Style

the view from my balcony

I've been here close to 6 months and I'm finally getting around to posting pictures other than my office. Incidently, I moved into a temporary office yesterday while they are fixing the building up...

But here are pictures of my home.

Had a storm coming in during the above picture. Still an hour away, but the water changes color so quickly here...

There's my little nerd-corner where I find myself often.

I do have two other bedrooms that aren't pictured, but one is my 'art' room with a big table that I keep my portfolios on and boxes filled with tubes, shipping materials and prints and art..
the bathroom, however, is interesting, and I'll get pics of that up later. Here, in Japan, you shower off on the floor of your bathroom (which is rather large like a walk-in closet with a drain on the floor) before you step into the bathtub. The funny thing is that you cannot fit into this bathtub so it can only be used as a shower.. which makes the shower room, well, useless, I guess.
I will eventaully put up my trips to Tokyo, Osaka, Mt. Fuji and Kyoto plus my trip to Beijing to see my brother and his family- but this beach life has really made me lazy!

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